+ Why NRRXF?

It’s simple - they’re my initials.

I come from a mixed background so I have a middle name (from my father's side) and a Chinese name (from my mom's side), making my full name Nicole Rachel Rui Xiu Friets.

+ What services do you provide?

You can view my list of services here.

+ What's the difference between copywriting and editing?

Editing is reviewing content for proper grammar, structure, spelling, and punctuation.

Copywriting is turning content or drafts into a finished product.

Writing is coming up with original content for a particular project.

+ What exactly is a conversion copywriter?

The first step in establishing a business is clarifying your vision and figuring out your target audience.

But then what? Copy!

That’s how you bring your unique personality and “voice” to life. That’s how you connect and build a relationship with your audience

And ultimately, that relationship gets potential clients to CONVERT into lasting clients; that relationship gets them to take action.

In short, a conversion copywriter is someone who writes copy (think emails, newsletters, blogs, content, etc) that sells.

+ Why should I get help with writing my copy?

As my tagline states, “Words hold power. Choose well.”

In a sea of voices online, you want to clearly articulate your unique voice and establish your presence.

But let’s face it - it’s tough to stand out. It’s tough to build a presence that not only brings in clients but also feels authentic to you.

That’s where the importance of copy comes in!

Powerful copy clearly communicates who you are, your values, and what your brand stands for and provides.

Powerful copy creates an amazing connection between you and your audience; one that leaves them dying to work with you.

At the end of the day, quality copy isn’t just a bunch of fancy words. It’s words that impact. Words that sell. Words that empower. Words that convert.

Let me do what I do best to give you time to do what you do best - growing your business!

+ What would the process entail?

Once you reach out, we will have a clarity call to get an overview of what you’re looking for and to see if we’ll be a good fit.

Following that and depending on the scope of your project, we'll have further discussions on how to make that work.

Don’t worry, I know that with something like writing... there are different styles. Ultimately, I want you to have a finished product you're comfortable with so we'll be in regualar communication throughout the process.

+ What are your rates?

Given that each and every project is unique, rates will depend on scope and complexity.

Drop me a message so we can discuss further!

+ Do you work with any brands?


While I do tend to focus and work with brands in the health/ wellness and empowerment sphere, I am open to working with most brands.

At the same time, there are spheres that I am less familiar with (deep tech, for instance) where I might need to do more research and/ or take slightly longer to fully understand the scope of the project.

Regardless, I’ll do my best so please contact me and we can chat about how to make it work :)

+ How can I contact you?

You can contact me via email or simply leave your details in my contact form.